Equity Law Solicitors

Wills and Probate

Suffering a bereavement is stressful, but it is even more difficult when you have reason to question the will left by the deceased (or whether they even left one at all). In some cases, it might be necessary to start Court proceedings to determine whether there was a will, or whether the will is actually valid.

Probate is the legal process whereby the estate of a person who has died is dealt with.
If the person has made a Will this usually appoints people to be executors to administer the estate.
If there is no will then next of kin will be appointed by the court as administrators instead.
We refer to executors and administrators as personal representatives (‘PR’s) in this guidance.
Our services include drafting applications for grants of representation so that if necessary you can manage assets before probate is completed, and coordination of different tax regimes to avoid ‘double tax’ on your inheritance.
We can also act as executors and trustees.
Our team of probate specialists can advise and help PR’s and it has particular expertise in high value estates and IHT matters.
It comprises probate specialists who spend the majority of their working lives on probate matters only.
We specialise in complex matters including international matters and issues such as businesses and foreign assets.
This guidance sets out the service we offer and how we charge for it.

For more information please contact us on 02034413340 or email us on info@equitylawsolicitors.com

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